วันจันทร์ที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Top 3 Destinations for an African Safari

3 Amazing Destinations for an African Safari
An African safari offers the trip of a lifetime, allowing you to experience sights and activities that you will never forget. With so many captivating destinations, it can be difficult to know where to choose for your adventure. Here we look at 3 of the best places for an African safari:
The Masai Mara, Kenya
Visit this Kenyan reserve on your African safari and you won't be disappointed. Between June and November here you can witness the great wildebeest migration, which is one of the most amazing natural sights on Earth as over a million wildebeest, zebra and gazelle make their way here from the Serengeti in Tanzania. However, whatever time of year you travel here, you can enjoy viewing leopards, lions, elephants, giraffes and rhinos as they graze or hunt on the vast plains. If you wish to combine a safari with coastal relaxation, Kenya offers miles of deserted sandy beaches and crystal clear waters where you can swim, snorkel or enjoy water sports.

Bwindi, Uganda
If the main aim of your African safari is to get close to primates, Uganda is the perfect destination. Trek through the Bwinidi Impenetrable National Park to see families of mountain gorilla; half the world's population can be found amongst Uganda's mystical landscape. During your stay you can also look forward to seeing chimpanzees, baboons, Columbus and red tailed monkeys. Bird lovers will also be enthralled by the diversity of the species that Uganda has to offer, boasting twice that of other countries in Africa.
South Luangwa Valley, Zambia
Escape the crowds in the spring to enjoy the varied landscape of this region with its woods, plains and hills, which offer some of the best opportunities to spot wildlife in the whole of Africa; if you want to see elephants, giraffe and the big cats, this is a prime spot to visit. Those who prefer to view wildlife on foot will enjoy the chance to take guided walks through the amazing scenery; alternatively take a canoe ride along the Luangwa River or view the plains from the air on a microlight safari. After your animal adventure you might wish to visit the wondrous Victoria Falls. On the border with Zimbabwe, look on in awe, hear their roar and feel the spray; for the more adventurous, you can take part in white water rafting nearby, but more gentle cruises are also available. Watch the sun set over the falls for a magical end to your African Safari.
Choose your Perfect Safari Destination with Africa Exclusive.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7472909